My Teddy Bear , writing with guidance from Microsoft AI
I was around 4 years old, I think, when I received a wonderful gift in the form of a musical Teddy bear. I was so glad to have a new friend. I named him Teddy, too. I believe that my Momma and sister Cheryl thought it was a good idea to remove the button pin eyes and replace with permanently sewed on black buttons. Looking back, those were the times that toys did not have all the proper safety rules and regulations there are today. I think they were afraid I might unpin one of those eyes and hurt myself. And, if my memory serves me correct, they made a good decision, too. It wasn't long after Teddy came into my life that I took him everywhere with me. I even took him with me when I needed to take a bath. I usualy sat him on the edge of the tub and talked to him as I played in the bubble bath. Then one time, I guess I did not pay attention and Teddy fell into the bubble bath with me. I decided to give him a bath. He got all soaked. I had to show Momma what happened to Teddy when my bath was over. I don't know where she took him. Maybe she took him out to the clothes line to let him hang dry. I know he was never the same after that bubble bath, though. I could no longer turn the key to his belly button music box. i think the water rusted the little box inside him. This made me sad, too. Momma saw how sad it made me, and i could not believe it when she fixed Teddy. She took and openned Teddy's belly and removed the broken music box. She sewed Teddy back up and my best friend was good as new. Well, he had a scar up and down his belly now....and no more music box. He still had his black button eyes, and cute rubber nose and mouth, and his thoughts always answered me when I spoke with him. My friend Teddy was with me through thick and then for several years, decades, actually. i had him up until i was taken away for a short bit by the state of Texas due to my breaking a few laws in my drug addiction. i was locked up.