dream 10/15.22
So last night I dreamed about seeing Sean Cutshall, but he was like 100 pounds heavier. He was trying to use my stuff, i cannot exactly say what it was that i had, but it was like I had special dishware to use to fill with my meals. I remember dreaming that I had a place I was sharing with other people I was staying with, and that a cop or officer stopped by unofficially and was snooping, I did not want him to come inside because I was afraid he would see an item we had that weren't supposed to have...now, I cannot recall whether the item was a firearm or some stash of drug. I only recall the feeling that I was disturbed he was there, and that i did not want him to enter the place. Thankfully, he did return to his vehicle and drove away, That is when I woke up, all a basket case of emotions. I think this may be an after effect of watching two episodes of The Watcher...just saying