Another dream
I dreamt Brandi & i were in Japan working on our jobs....but we also had time off and we left work to ride thei subway/railway system.
I remember walking across a huge sloping green meadow with a ceiling above. I recall we were enjoying our day off to head to the mall there. I know it was foreign because i recall their electricity ran on 220. At one point, i got seperated from brandi. I went to restroom, there was a guy hiding behind a shower curtain wall that was reaching thru a hole in wall to flirt/have sex with guys who came in. I pulled the curtain back, it was a middle-aged oriental man. He had one of those breathing machines on to help him breath better...this was where i knew i was in a foreign countey because i saw it was on 220. We tricked together i thought it challenging because he was uncut. I cleaned up, and went to look for brandi.
Found her again, and we were riding on a subway that used odd shaped tokens. I recall a guy there that helped me understand how the tokens were placed in the right place.
This is where i woke up, my nose was runny and draining down mt throat. Allergies.