Meditation 1/19-25/15

Meditation 1/19/15 IM~it takes courage & willpower to stay true to yourself & others. Thought to Ponder~truth is to inner space what sunshine is to a garden. Meditation 1/21/15 IM~unlocking your potential is up to you. You will discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. Meditation 1/22/15 TG~"Let go" are tiny words with huge rewards. If give up my attempts to control someone today, peace will be my reward. Meditation 1/23/15 Never, never, never give up. - Winston Churchill Thought to Ponder~ The Three "C's" - Concern, Compassion, Consideration. Meditation 1/25/15 TG~the more expectations we have, the more stress we'll have; as we grow closer to our HP, we find we can let go (of our expectations).


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