…ever have a nightmare?

Man, in this dream, Jesse and I were driving an old convertible over to this girl’s place where we had bought her new white car. I could not tell you what model either of these vehicles were, except the one we arrived in was old and worn, and the one she had sold to us was new, shiny, and white. Well, I remember arriving into this area like an apartment complex, only more  extravagant and finding our way to her place. She would not give us the keys. We were “captive” so to speak, because Jesse didn’t want to leave without those keys. Finally, after what seemed like days, I held her down, while Jesse took the keys. He left in a hurry…to escape with the car he bought. I was left there, and she wouldn’t attack me, but she wasn’t letting me go, either. Until I finally started putting my shoes and socks on and looking fumbling for the keys to the old car. She then started swaying a big knife back and forth and looking at the door, then at me. She swung at me one time, then left. I finished putting my shoes on, and went down the stairs to the front door. I then was in the atrium and parking lot of this complex. I would no sooner find the edge of this and find myself in another complex. I gave up on locating the car I had arrived in. I gave up on finding Jesse and the new car. They were long gone. I would wonder around these complex sites that were being constructed..run into the people setting up their homes there and no one would talk or even acknowledge me. I was like a pariah to be avoided. This went on forever. I wanted to call someone from back home to see if they would come get me..I remember looking through an opening (like a breezeway) and this guy was there..I was going to ask him to help me crawl to that area he was in, but he just ignored me, and even blocked that opening to I could not access that area. I was miserable because I could not escape. I never did get out of that situation..only by waking up exhausted was it finally over. Later.


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