Monday June 7, 2010

I just awoke a few moments back and I had a most interesting dream. In the dream, I was walking through this crowded village/town trying to get back to my familiar grounds. I would say “home” but I cannot be sure that was even  that. I just knew on this adventure, I was with a group and we got seperated. There was a person with me, at first when I began remembering what i could, I thought it was Momma, but now, I believe it was someone else afoot with me. I can remember going through these alleys and back ways it was oh so familiar, and the familiarity in my head was that I had just travelled them earlier in my dream. Yes, it was as though I knew I had dreamed of being this way before. Another thing, looking back on the dream, the knooks and crannies and turns and twists seemed similar in nature to that of the French Quarter in New Orleans.  Now, I remember at one point, I was taking a short-cut through the locker room of some college ..of course, it was a guy’s locker room, and yeah, they were in all stages of dress to naked.  I didn’t look, I just walked through. Another point, I was met be a kind dog, and his owner and family. And then there was Verve, poking his head through my screen door..and I was okay with that because he could come and go through my door. (note: it was my front door in the midst of this maze I was walking through in the middle of this “french quarter” type atmosphere..after seeing Verve, the cat and my door, I went on about searching my way through)  I do remember taking a short-cut through this Mexican ladies market and the stairway out back..and then, I woke up. Strange dream, eh?   Later.


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