June 3, 2010 on today’s meditation..

Living Life Fully~we learn nothing when our minds are closed.

Day By Day~have I learned to accept myself?

Today’s Celebration~by accepting my imperfections I will move toward peace of mind.

Today’s meditation teaches of the importance of open-mindedness and acceptance.  It is with these two spiritual principles that we can reach who we are and the possibility of who we can be.  I suppose if their was a doorway to our soul, then these 2 spiritual principles would be the keys. It is often said  “acceptance is the key to all our problems"…this rings true to me today. 

I find it  ironical that   as I learned to actually accept and love me (for who I was, as I  was), I began taking better care of myself - be it physical, emotional, and/or spiritual in nature

…so much so, that I can almost guarantee you that I am a “better” person today than I was yesterday.

...and it was only yesterday that I began to honestly learn to accept and love who I am.

What’s up with that?  <grin>  Later.


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