June 16, 2010 on today’s meditation
Today’s Celebration~I hope I learned from yesterday's experiences to prepare for today's decisions.
Joel Osteen~the quality of my life is determined by the quality of my decisions.
I enjoy sharing a daily meditation with my friends. I am desiring to share the daily meditation I cull from my many readings on here, too, but have yet to incorporate it into my daily ritual. I am getting better, but there is much room for improvement.
Funny, how that last sentence up there is so similar in nature to today’s message. You see, it is an ongoing journey from one experience to the next…and if we pay attention, we begin to apply the knowledge we gained in experiences to our next decision we are confronted with..the sum of our experiences contribute to the final tally of our decisions, so to speak. I get that. But, before I found recovery and the spiritual life I have been blessed with, I was often making the same decision and resulting with the same consequences, if not worse. Today, because I know there is a connection, I am striving to pay closer attention to my decisions, and also pay attention to red flags..warning signs of life..to protect me from myself, I believe..because, alone, left to my own devices, I can and will make some stupid decisions.
And the second part of today’s meditation rings so very true, too…that our decisions affect our life. Quality, or no quality..you choose. Later.