Another Tuesday coming to an end…6/8/10

Hmmm..I just noticed how the short version of today’s date is like counting in even numbers…6/8/10…now, let’s begin…(grin).

Today was a good day for me, actually. I always strive to achieve something each day…not to just exist. I have been guilty in the past of just “vegging” in front of the boob-tube and watching one episode after another of Law and Order, SVU….or of Law and Order, CRIMINAL INTENT…I have even expanded my library of favorites to include NCIS and even CSI (the original..I don’t like the Miami one because it has that oh so serious red headed actor as its lead).  Anyway, my genre of shows seems to be of the legal and crime solving nature. I go through spells. I still find time to watch an hour or two or three, possibly, each day, mind you…but, I do first things first-such as, go to the gym in the morning, and in the evening..and then, usually a meeting that night. It is between morning and evening that I find the most free time to sit and watch a good show. Hmmm, I got side-tracked here…hey, Tony and Heather nick-named me Side-track because I am guilty of it so often..”oh, there’s a garage sale, let me go there”…”oh look, David’s Supermarket has a 10 hour Saturday sale going on..let me check it out”…oops, where was I going?  See what I mean? Anyway, today, I got some laundry done and while I did that, I sat and enjoyed a salad at the Yellow Rose as I read my daily meditations. And I later was able to head to the gym and go 30 minutes (3 miles) on the elliptical…seeing as how this is my “cardio” day in exercising, it was all to the good. And, to top it all off, I made it to a good meeting at the CCNA. We had 22 people in attendance…on a Tuesday. This is a good thing. There was this newcomer who was very handsome…he just moved to Scurry from Denton. I hope he keeps coming back. Don’t worry, I know better than to make a “move” on a newcomer. I not only respect them more than that, I respect my own self. For some reason, I find that I  notice good looking men when I see them..but I try to maintain a good spirit and attitude of recovery (even in times when I could be so easily side-tracked).  I love recovery..and desire it for each person that makes it through our doors. It is an awesome journey to be on. I guess that is it for now…peace be to you. Later.


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