another sad dream
I had another most sad dream this morning. I was in a section of this large place/home. The part I was in was seperated from the rest. I wanted to be seperated. I wanted to leave. I didn't want the rest of my family/friends to stop me from leaving, so I was attempting to leave quietly. I felt as though there was an unspoken obligation I had to staying there and I did not want to confront anyone before leaving. I just wanted to leave. So, I was sneaking out the back, as though I were escaping. There was nothing in the dream telling me or describing to me where I was going, only that I was moving away from the turmoil of that place. I woke up feeling sad. I know this has a connection to my inner conflict going on with my feelings towards my home group. I was in a conflict with someone last night and because of my recovery, I am supposed to make amends. And, as I attempted to do so..and do so with heartfelt earnesty and honesty, the person basically refused to listen or accept my hand of apology to them. Tina was too upset and was only focused on her emotional disturbance and said some very cruel things. I was taken aback. I am struggling with letting this go and turning it over to God. She accused me of "running people off" before because of my arguing. I believe that is not true. But, it hurt to hear that from a friend even if they said it in anger. I suppose that now I am to forgive. I am working on that. Later.