Today’s meditation May 21, 2010
Living Life Fully~the wise draw from this life the true savor of beauty, dignity, & value. Flowers of youth may fade but summer, fall, &winter have their majestic grandeur.
Daily Reflection~when I remember my gratitude list, it is hard for me to conclude that God is picking on me.
It took me several years to actually reach this point, but I must say I am grateful today. So, how do the two meditations relate? As I read the first one, it stated how it is for many of us as we embark on this journey called life. In the beginning, when I was younger, I guess I felt invincible and took things for granted. Now, after the consequences of many of my choices, I am beginning to have a deeper sense of appreciation for life. This comes with wisdom. The wisdom to learn from the mistakes I’ve made. I am now in the fall and winter of my life (having survived the spring and summer) and the majestic grandeur of even these seasons of life is, in essence, one of gratitude…much like that gratitude list spoken of in the second meditation.