On today’s meditation May 29, 2010

Today’s Celebration~I'll not depend on others for my happiness. I'll rely on the source my inner strength to lift me up & set my sight on what's truly important-that'd be God.

I know I have not posted my thoughts on today’s meditation here the past few days. This is because I am just getting accustomed to using my blog and atop all that, I blistered the bottom of my right foot the other day and its upset my schedule, (albeit a lame schedule compared to others, but its still my schedule to live up to on a daily basis). Anyway, I am glad to say my foot is healing and I am getting back into my daily routine of things.  On the readings I was blessed to read this day, this one, above all others, stood out. It related to me and what I wrote about on here just a few hours earlier..about rejection. Yeah, most of that rejection was all in my head, I knew that from the get go. It does not take away from the sinking feeling that was going on in my spirit. I had to literally focus on myself in a positive way and where I was going spiritually. I examined my thoughts on others. I even beat myself up (emotionally speaking) about how I knew better than to allow these feelings of rejection to have power over me. It was when I was on here writing on my blog expressing my gratitude for God, for my friends, and for my life,  that I experienced a turn around in my spirit..one of gratitude and acceptance. And, isn’t that what today’s meditation is about..warning us not to look to outside sources (people and things) to make us happy…but rather, to look inward, to God..which is, in essence, exactly what I was doing when I was taking the time to write about my feelings of rejection. It worked then, and it will work every time I turn to God.  Later.


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