May 19, 2010 Today’s meditation

Just For Today~the question is, in what parts of our lives do we really want to grow?

God is in the Small Stuff~so, does our quest to improve our self ever end? Yes,the day we stop breathing

In today’s readings the message of self-improvement spoke loud and clear to me. I know one of the first tasks I was given  when I walked into the halls of recovery was one of self-acceptance. People there loved me before I knew how to love myself. Heck, when I first arrived, I didn’t realize that the choices and decisions I made were not out of love, but of self-centeredness, self-loathing, selfishness, self self self…all on a path of self-destruction.  Now, learning to love myself (and God, and others) was only the first of many steps in self-improvement.  My journey in recovery is just like the readings in my meditation stressed above…I’m on a never ending journey of self-improvement until I take my  last breath. There are many gifts in recovery, but, for me, the most precious of them all is acceptance. Its by acceptance and God’s help, I’m able to honestly seek and work in areas of improving myself. (physically, spiritually and emotionally).  Later.


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