A conversation exchange I had with my friend on Facebook | Christopher MacNeil


Christopher MacNeil

Christopher MacNeil Destiny is determined by the choices we make and not the luck of being in the right place at the right time or wrong place at the wrong time, and we and we alone are responsible to the consequences of our choices.

3 hours ago · Comment ·UnlikeLike · View Feedback (4)Hide Feedback (4)

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Ron Lock

Ron Lock

Very true!! Good morning Christopher, hope you have a great Sunday

3 hours ago

Christopher MacNeil

Christopher MacNeil

And you also, Ron; have a SAFE and GREAT Sunday. I've got two weeks of post-dated daily posts I want to get done before writing a couple of inmates, one on Death Row at San Quentin, then heading out to Mass where I'm Lector this week. Going to be BUSY but, compared to one time in my life, I'm GRATEFUL I am now ABLE to do it.

2 hours ago

Daryl Wicks

Daryl Wicks

This is true..keep in mind, though, it is often our being in the right place (a choice) or in the wrong place (a not so good choice) that affects the path to our destiny. So, yes, ultimately,it is our choice. Though, I can see how we can say we are one of the lucky ones. Luck? No, what is it, then? Making a good choice is a learned behavior and a... See More blessing. For me,I have a deep sense of gratitude for the spiritual awakenings that continue to help me choose wisely, along with learning to accept those times I choose otherwise. (egads, I'm not perfect??)

about a minute ago ·

Facebook | Christopher MacNeil


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