Circle of love…
I went to church this morning. I truly enjoyed a good sermon delivered by my friend and fellow member Glen. His lesson was about the ascension of Jesus going home to His Father. He spoke further of our own ideas of home and what it meant. The lesson was good. It was after that, when we had communion that I had a fleeting “aha” moment. I had been observant of us all as we participated in this ritual of communion and thought how wonderful-that this is important to each of us, in our own way. After we (the members of the congregation) had had our communion it came time for Kathy to administer communion to the others that had helped in giving communion to the body. There they were, four people clasping hands to one another making a circle as they bowed their heads and said a prayer to God above. It was then, as I watched the last four in a circle with their heads bowed that I remembered another circle I had been a part of a few years ago- when I was in prison, at night just after the lights went out, several of us gathered in a circle, held one another’s hands as we said a prayer together to God above, and then we bid each other goodnight as we went to bed. Today, I go to a recovery meeting just about every night. At the end of each meeting, we stand in a circle, have a moment of silence, and then together, we say a small prayer to God above before bidding one another goodnight and heading our separate ways. I am so blessed to have experienced the circle of love in such a variety of places. Truly, the desire to reach out to God is everywhere. There is no possible way for us to tell, but wouldn’t it be a beauty to behold to see a glowing spark of love flow upward from earth to the heavens above each time there were 2 or more gathered in prayer speaking to God? Later.