Thursday 2/12/09

Today is Abraham Lincoln's birthday. (Happy birthday to a good honest man of integrity)
In just a little while I will be readying myself to head over to meet up with Jesse and Brandi. We are going to Dallas to pick up some trinkets and such to give away in the raffle at the CCNA Anniversary coming up on 2/21. This year is our group is 7 years old!
Today's meditation was as follows:
Day By Day-am I working on today's problems?
Daily Reflection-faith must serve as the pathway to the center of my life.
Just For Today-our faith will help us live just for today.

I like today's message because it shares with me the importance of living in today, and that we have that ability to better focus on today by excercising our faith. I also believe this faith is that unspoken faith in our Higher Power. I realize we can get our wants mixed in (or mixed up) with our needs. Often, though, our needs are the strength, hope and courage that its going to be alright. And, when we develop our faith in our Higher Power, we begin to realize these needs are being met before our very eyes. I am blessed and grateful to be in recovery.


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