Oops, this is from 2/11/09

Well, its been a couple of days since I started this and my intent was to do a daily blog. Yesterday, I snapped this shot of my friend William just before I started my workout. He is one of the instructors at the Olympic Center. Very athletic and in training all the time between his college courses and the classes he instructs. We should all be so disciplined. Go, William, go! Anyway, I mentioned yesterday he was the one who told me about this internet spot.
The meditation for 2/11/09 read as follows: Just For Today: many search their whole life for what we have found in N.A.: fellowship; a sense of purpose; and conscious contact with a Higher Power. I am an addict, and I am grateful.
We had a good group at the hall last night. I am always amazed at what occurs when we all get together sharing our time and space with one another. I got to see my good friends Bobby and Debbie (it had been too many days). Speaking of old friends-Christene has returned home after a year with SAFP..she looks good and says she feels good spiritually, too. Just nine more days until the seventh anniversary of CCNA! I will give you details later, but I need to go for just now.